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Male Infertility Clinic

Male Infertility Clinic

Male infertility is as common as female infertility, though women talk about the issue far more than men. In reality, men account for 50% of all cases of infertility between...

Risk of Miscarriage after IVF

Risk of Miscarriage after IVF

Miscarriage is a term used to define the loss of a pregnancy within 20 weeks of conception and most often it will occur in the first trimester. Statistically, 25% of...

Could Yeast Prevent Pregnancy?

Could Yeast Prevent Pregnancy?

There are women that will become pregnant with relative ease and then there are those that will have a long road ahead before conception will occur. A couple that has...

Spontaneous Abortion: Signs and Symptoms of Miscarriage

Spontaneous Abortion: Signs and Symptoms of Miscarriage

A medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion because miscarriage refers to a pregnancy that ends without intervention. Usually miscarriage resolves without physical complications for woman (although they can happen)...

Varicocele Surgery Success Stories

Varicocele Surgery Success Stories

Varicocele is a condition that is affecting 15% of male population. This is a common condition in man and if left untreated it can cause infertility and testicular damage. Varicocele...

Preparing to Get Pregnant

Preparing to Get Pregnant

When a woman is considering pregnancy, there are many things she needs to do before even attempting to conceive. Pregnancy is one of the most physically challenging things a female...

How to Get Pregnant With Twins

How to Get Pregnant With Twins

Many couples wonder what they can to get pregnant with twins, is it something physical, biological or does it require special efforts? Having twins can be a double blessing for...

Infertility Treatment Books

Infertility Treatment Books

With all of the ways there are to treat infertility, a man and woman can always get help if experiencing fertility impairment. The issue is something experienced not just in...

Chances of Getting Pregnant

Chances of Getting Pregnant

For many couples all over the United States (and worldwide), the struggle to become pregnant is dealt with on a monthly or even daily basis. People will go through many...