Pelvic Girdle Pain
When you are pregnant, changes in your posture, looser joints and muscles, and a shift in the center of gravity can lead to a range of painful symptoms that are...

Enlarged breasts - your body is preparing for breastfeeding
As you leave behind your first trimester of pregnancy, you are likely to feel a lot better. The early, hormonal symptoms of pregnancy are largely gone, and instead you will...

How do find out if your fertility clinic has ever had an embryo mix-up?
IVF is stressful enough without having to worry whether your fertility clinic could be making a mistake. Embryo mix-ups can and do happen, however. Imagine being informed that you are...

High blood pressure during pregnancy: Preeclampsia symptoms and signs
Preeclampsia is a potentially dangerous condition in pregnancy, which leads to constricted blood vessels and can cause placental abruption, restricted fetal growth, and low levels of amniotic fluid. In many...

Dutch neo-nazi sperm donor wanted "white Aryan children"
For some reason, sperm banks are never far removed from controversy and dubious news stories. Today, I came across one that I did not want to withhold from you a...

In your third trimester and bored? At-home entertainment ideas for women about to give birth
Are you fast approaching your estimated due date, or has your due date already been and gone? Most pregnant women naturally gravitate to their homes, wanting to stay home to...

Going on vacation with a baby bump? Travel tips for pregnant women
First time expectant mothers seemingly have this tendency to go on vacation, just with their significant others, while they still can. Given the fact that it is a lot more...

Flying while pregnant - should you?
Air travel is a normal, every day part of our lives for many people. But should women fly while they are pregnant? What are the reasons not to fly during...

Maternity pillows to help you sleep in pregnancy
Have you seen them? Those strange-looking, long maternity pillows that take up most of the length of your bed? If you were wondering what on earth you would need one...

Group B streptococcus screening and testing
Group B streptococcus, also known as GBS or Group B strep, is a bacterial infection that can be found in the vagina, the rectum and the lower intestines. Group B...