What causes endometrial hyperplasia?
Women who have endometrial hyperplasia experience an overgrowth of the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium. The fact that the lining is too thick tends to result in...

Ovulation symptoms - cervical mucus during the most fertile days
Cervical mucus, or vaginal discharge, is something that you will be able to notice throughout your menstrual cycle, if you are paying any attention to it. While the thought of...

Mother refused c-section, baby taken into foster care
You must have all seen them the newspaper reports about children who died or were injured at the hands of abusive parents. In many cases, it later turns out that...

You know you are pregnant when....
Pregnancy always offers some unexpected experiences, as well as those magical moments you have been waiting for since you started trying to conceive. Fetal movement? Check! Vomiting? Check! Midnight ice...

What are the most obvious endometriosis symptoms?
Endometriosis is a medical condition in which the endometrium, the uterine lining, overgrows and is found outside the uterus. The most common areas affected are the fallopian tubes and the...

EmbryoGen - an IVF breakthrough?
A new product called EmbryoGen, developed and perfected by Australian researchers for the last two decades, could dramatically improve IVF outcomes for women who suffered miscarriages after fertility treatments in...

TTC review: The Business of Being Born
The natural childbirth movement has been extremely focal in recent years, and there are several documentaries documenting both the perceived ills of maternity care in the United States and the...

Can you have IVF while breastfeeding?
Mothers who are currently breastfeeding and hoping to have IVF to get pregnant again, without weaning their nurslings, are going to stumble upon a lot of contradictory information. You might...

What is depo provera?
Hormonal birth control methods come in many shapes and forms these days gone are the days when the contraceptive pill was the only option! Depo Provera is another form of...

Can a person with azoospermia have biological children?
Azoospermia is a condition that results in a total lack of sperm in a man's ejaculate. Men with azoospermia will be able to produce seminal fluid, but no sperm will...