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Blocked Fallopian Tubes and Infertility Rates

Blocked Fallopian Tubes and Infertility Rates

Fallopian tube related infertility happens to approximately 20-25% of women struggling with the inability to conceive. The category for tube factor infertility will include cases in which a woman has...

Metformin for PCOS Treatment

Metformin for PCOS Treatment

Gynecologists used to believe that the only way to treat PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) was with the heavy artillery of hormone replacement. But since medical science has unraveled some of...

The History of Menstruation

The History of Menstruation

Although it might seem absurd, like who would want to read about menstruation, it got me quite interested and the facts that I've found out are astonishing. What did women...

PCOS and hCG Levels

PCOS and hCG Levels

The terminology of women's infertility gets a little confusing, so let's start with a brief review. PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian disease. PCOS is the leading cause of infertility in...

Selective reduction for medical reasons

Selective reduction for medical reasons

Selective reduction during pregnancy refers to the procedure of reducing the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy by abortion. The procedure was introduced after more high-order multiple pregnancies started...