Low FSH Levels in Women
Low levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in women can lead to ovarian estrogen and progesterone suppression and impair fertility. The surge of luteinizing hormone during menstruation is responsible for ovulation...

Endometriosis Fertility Rates
The endometrium is the tissue that lines the inner portion of the uterine cavity and when the tissue spreads to other parts of the body, the results are a disease...

Endometriosis and Ovulation
Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that lines the uterus becomes located outside the pelvic cavity. When the woman undergoes menstruation, the tissue will bleed as the uterine lining...

Relaxing while Trying to Conceive
Just relax and it will happen have you heard this before? But trying to relax while trying to conceive takes longer than expected well relaxing and most of all staying...

Estradiol (Oestradiol) Levels in Men and Women
Estradiol is a sex hormone which is predominant in women; however, men also have the hormone as well, thought at much lower levels. The hormone also represents the major estrogen...

Natural PCOS Treatments
There have been many research and medical studies that focus on treating PCOS from a medical standpoint, but there are alternative treatments which could yield good results for women as...

Sexual Intercourse after Miscarriage
After a miscarriage woman is advised to wait at least a short period of time before having sexual intercourse again. However short period may vary from woman to woman, depending...

PCOS Ovulation Symptoms
Because PCOS causes a hormonal imbalance in women, there are a variety of different symptoms which may occur. PCOS is a syndrome which means it has physical signs and symptoms...

Anti Cardiolipid (ACL) Antibodies and Miscarriage
Of the causes of miscarriages are believed to be high levels of anti-cardiolipid antibodies, but the topic is very confusing and even more are confusing the experimental treatments that are...

Symptoms and Treatment for Molar Pregnancy
Women with molar pregnancies feel pregnant, and usually the symptoms themselves cannot be directly pointed to molar pregnancy. Only a doctor can with certainty detect molar pregnancy with sonogram. The...