In men the problem of infertility is referred to male tube blockages, sperm motility, quantity and quantity problems and sperm problems that relate to sperm allergy. Male tube blockages mean that tubes have problems to transport healthy and fertile sperm. The most common problem for this is problem related to varicose veins in testicles, but also STDs like chlamydia or gonorrhea can be a cause. Problem can be solved with surgery that repairs varicoceles, and about as 40% of males are within 6 to 9 months able to impregnate woman after the surgery. Sperm problems are connected to sperm motility, sperm quality or sperm quantity, which means the problem relates to low sperm count, poor ability of sperm to move, or abnormally shaped sperm. There are certain drugs that can boost sperm production, and about 25% of males are able to impregnate woman after fertility drugs treatment.
Besides fertility drugs woman can receive partner s sperm injection directly into the egg (the process is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection). With artificial insemination approximately 5-20% of women become pregnant per cycle. Another option for conception would be receiving donor sperm, which has a success rate of about 15% per attempt. It was thought that sperm allergy is rare condition, but it is estimated that as much as 5-10% of infertile males and females are allergic to sperm. This does not necessarily means they will have reactions visible to the eye, but it does mean that if they are allergic to sperm their body will have immune reactions to sperm, which cause them to produce antibodies that kill sperm cells. In males this is most common after vasectomy.
It is possible to treat sperm allergy with a success rate of up to 20%. Sperm allergy can be treated with several methods, including sperm washing, intrauterine insemination, assisted conception treatments, and even with immunosuppressive drugs, such as cortisone and Prednisone, but many doctors don't recommend these drugs.
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