This is the main reason woman should wait until the bleeding stops before having sexual intercourse after miscarriage. This also includes avoiding the use of tampons or inserting anything into vagina, for the same reason of uterus infection.
I am explaining this because physical healing of a lasts different with every woman: average is 2 weeks, but the healing process depends on several other characteristics:
how advanced the pregnancy was how heavy woman is bleeding was there any complications during miscarriage was there medical intervention necessaryIn cases when miscarriage is complicated, including ectopic pregnancies it may take several weeks (talking about up to 2 months) before woman is physically feeling well. For example, in cases of ectopic pregnancies it is advised to rest as much as possible, take time off work and have someone to help you with household chores and children. No exercising and it is very important not to lift anything heavy.
Some women might feel anemic after pregnancy and they will probably be advised to take iron supplements. At this point I would also like to bring out that it is possible to get pregnant very soon after miscarriage (basically you could get pregnant as soon as the bleeding form miscarriage stops). But because of the fact that some women might be advised to wait at least 6 if not more months before getting pregnant, and most of all taking into consideration that most woman might not feel emotionally ready for another pregnancy, it would be wise to take some form of contraception into consideration.
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