TTC = Trying to conceive
POAS = peeing on a stick, which means taking a pregnancy test
DPO = days post ovulation, you might see "I'm currently 10 DPO, still waiting for AF to show up", for instance
DTD = doing the deed, in other words having sex
2WW = "two week wait", the time between ovulating and the expected date of menstruation, or the time you can take a pregnancy test
AF = Aunt Flo, used to describe a menstrual period for some reason (we haven't got a clue why - don't ask us! :))
OC = ovulation calendar, a method used to determine the approximate date of ovulation
BBT = basal body temperature, used to determine the day of ovulation for those who are charting to conceive
PAL = pregnant after loss, meaning after a miscarriage or stillbirth
MC = miscarriage
O = ovulation
FF = fertility friend, an online fertility charting service
LP = luteal phase, the stage of your cycle lasting from your ovulation until your period
There might well be other abbreviations, but I think I have covered the most common ones. If you would like to see one added to the list, please leave a comment and we'll do so. If there is another abbreviation you can't quite figure out, please also feel free to leave us a question, and will do our best to decipher it!
- Photo courtesy of photosteve101 by Flickr:
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