What Causes Tongue Warts?
As has already been mentioned tongue warts (and other oral warts) develop due to an infection caused by the human papillomavirus. This particular virus is also a cause of genital warts, but there are multiple different strains that tend to affect different areas of the body. The infection belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases and the virus is easily contracted during unprotected oral sex with an infected person. The chance of viral transmission increases if the infected person shows active symptoms and sings of the infection. The risk of infection also increases if there are cuts or open wounds in the mouth of a healthy individual, as the virus can enter the body this way.
Clinical Characteristics of Tongue Warts
Tongue warts can develop alone or in clusters. They may affect the dorsal side of the tongue, its sides, or the lower surface of the organ. Apart from tongue, other parts of the oral cavity can be affected by warts as well. In some cases, patients complain about having a sore mouth as the warts develop. The uncomfortable feeling occurs due to irritation of the warts with food or accidental biting. And finally, the very presence of tongue warts may interfere with eating.
Treatment for Tongue Warts
Tongue warts can sometimes go away on their own without any medical treatment. Spontaneous withdrawal, however, does not occur in many cases. These warts are considered much more dangerous compared to other warts because they are precancerous lesions that may eventually transform into a cancer. This is why all warts (as well as other growths inside the oral cavity) must be reported to a doctor.
Tongue warts can be destroyed and completely removed in different ways. Some doctors prescribe antiviral medications while others recommend topical antiviral creams. These benign growths can also be surgically removed but surgery carries a risk of scarring. The majority of patients are treated symptomatically. Pain, discomfort and a burning sensation caused by tongue warts can be alleviated with topical anesthetics and analgesics.
In order to prevent the infection that causes tongue warts, people should use a condom during every sexual intercourse and oral sex, especially if their partner shows symptoms and signs of active infection. Even though a condom is not 100% effective at preventing the transmission of HPV, it is still recommended as the safest means when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases. Another good idea is for both partners to get tested, which will allow you to kiss safely if you are in a monogamous relationship.
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