How Are Sinus and Eye Pain Linked?
Painful eyes can result from numerous different circumstances, but one possible cause of eye pain can be located in the sinus area — and this problem is mostly associated with the beginning of the winter. Sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses, can cause quite a number of complications, and eye pain is one of the symptoms some patients experience. We will focus on this issue in the following text.
The eyes are among the most sensitive parts of the human body. Many nerve endings and pain receptors are located in this region, and because of that we experience pain or irritation when cold air blasts. These symptoms ultimately serve the purpose of leading us to protect our eyes, which play a vital role in normal life. As we have said, sinus problems can create eye pain, which can be experienced when we roll our eyes, because of the strained muscles.
There are air pockets that go from the nose to the bones of the skull and the face. They are very small, but they grow throughout a person's life, until we reach young adulthood. The mucus that lubricates the nasal cavity is manufactured in them, and it is responsible for cleaning the membranes, because, it removes the pollutants like bacteria and particles.
A problem is created when the bags are closed instead of being opened. The closure can be created due to the presence diverse irritants, like smoke, allergens and bacteria. The mucus cannot be drained out in this case, which leads to the fluid gathering and building pressure within the sinuses. Sinusitis is a common problem that can truly have a significant impact on a person's quality of life, particularly if it is recurrent. The rating of the pain depends on the severity of the swelling, and the pain can also be caused by many reasons such as a tooth infection and nasal polyps. The pressure usually builds up in the area between the eyes and the nose, and behind the eyes. Red swelling is also a possibility. It is no surprise that sinusitis is often accompanied by eye pain.
Treatment for sinusitis and associated eye pain
We will give you several suggestions on methods that can decrease the problems caused by the right eye pain. Steam inhalation therapy is an excellent remedy for opening the sinuses. Try using a nasal steamer or just boil water in a pot. This needs to be repeated three times in one day. The problems caused by sinusitis can be reduced with the use of warm baths for similar reasons, and using hot compress is an option for those who do not want to use steam. Just apply it on the sinuses and it will also drain them.
Do not work in the garden during the pollen season if you know you have seasonal allergies, and be sure to avoid polluted air, smoke and seek clean air. When sleeping, head elevation from 4 to 6 inches can be a good idea when you have sinusitis. Try using a humidifier. Making or buying eucalyptus oil is recommended, since it can be used in a humidifier. A visit to the doctor will be needed in more serious cases. Try to avoid those who have flu and other respiratory conditions. Also, sharing clothes, utensils and other items is not advised. Do everything you can to avoid getting an infection.
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