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Gardasil deaths - is the HPV vaccine really safe?

Gardasil deaths - is the HPV vaccine really safe?

Gardasil is a relatively new vaccine, nicknamed the "cervical cancer vaccine" because it aims to prevent cervical cancer caused by strains of the human papillomavirus (strains 16 and 18), as...

Europe: WHO issues measles warning

Europe: WHO issues measles warning

Measles used to be a childhood disease everyone got it is usually unpleasant but mild, but measles can be fatal in some cases. Now that measles is a disease that...

Down syndrome birth defect

Down syndrome birth defect

In people with Down syndrome there is usually an extra chromosome 21. However, this genetic condition can be a bit modified when not all cells contain the extra chromosome 21...

Droopy eyelid after botox

Droopy eyelid after botox

Botox is a remarkable substance which can efficiently prevent contraction of muscles. It is generally used for wrinkles. Treatment with Botox provides with youthful and fresh looking skin. It is...

Kegel/pelvic floor exercises

Kegel/pelvic floor exercises

Many doctors recommended Kegel, or pelvic floor, exercises for various reasons especially to pregnant women and women who are newly postpartum. Why should you be doing these little "invisible exercises"...

Pitocin and autism

Pitocin and autism

Pitocin is an artificial version of the hormone oxytocin, which plays a large role in triggering uterine contractions. Pitocin, which is administered through IV, has been the medication of choice...

Banking your newborn's cord blood

Banking your newborn's cord blood

Cord blood banking has been increasing in popularity in recent years. The stem cells contained in cord blood can potentially be used to cure various diseases, as these cells can...