Botox is a remarkable substance which can efficiently prevent contraction of muscles. It is generally used for wrinkles. Treatment with Botox provides with youthful and fresh looking skin. It is highly effective when it comes to wrinkles on forehead, wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
Even though injecting Botox is considered one of the safest means of getting rid of wrinkles, this treatment may cause some side effects and droopy eyelid is only one of them. This is a rather rare side effect of Botox treatment and affects approximately 1-4% of all patients.
Causes of Droopy Eyelid after Botox
Botox used for wrinkles is obtained from onabotulinum toxin A (botulinum toxin). The purpose of the toxin is to paralyze muscles whose contraction actually leads to wrinkle formation. The paralyzing effect is achieved by binding of the toxin to specific nerve receptors. This way nerve impulses cannot reach the receptors and the muscle contraction does not occur. The effect remains for several months and treatment must be repeated.
The goal is to distribute the toxin to particular muscles. However, sometimes the toxin may redistribute, attach to other muscles and cause their paralysis as well. By leaving the site of injection the toxin binds to different muscles and their paralysis features with different symptoms and signs. Droopy eyelid is a consequence of paralysis of muscles in charge with opening of the eyes. Such complication is frequent among patients who undergo frequent Botox treatments. It is also possible if the doctor injects too much toxin or if it is improperly injected.
Duration of Droopy Eyelid
Fortunately, the problem is temporary. However, it may linger for several weeks or months, which actually depends on the amount of toxin that has blocked eyelid contraction. So practically, once the effect of the toxin starts to wear off, the person will be able to control opening and closing of the affected eye.
Prevention and Treatment for Droopy Eyelid after Botox
In order to avoid this complication one is supposed to undergo intervention only if it is performed by a well-experienced doctor. A certified dermatologist with good experience in administrating Botox will do and this actually represents the safest option. The complication may be prevented if the patient's head is in upright position and remains that way for 3-4 hours after the treatment.
There is no cure for droopy eyelid after Botox treatment and the person can only wait for the toxin to wear off completely. Fortunately, there are certain eye drops that can lift the eyelid up to 1-3mm. They stimulate specific eyelid muscles.
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