Andropause symptoms and information
What exactly is andropause and how does it manifest?Andropause is a kind of a transition period for the males who are between the ages of 40 and 50, and this...
Broken blood vessels
The blood vessels in the human bodyform a vast network throughout the body. The blood vessel network is comprisedof arteries, arterioles, veins and capillaries. These blood vessels can easilyrupture due...
CRP blood test
What is CRP Blood Test?C-reactive protein test, or CRP test, is a type of a blood test which is performed in order to get information about possible ongoing inflammations inside...
Stomach gas relief
An Awkward, Uncomfortable PainPassing gasses has been known to be quite a shameful action in the human society. Therefore, people try to seclude these actions of theirs, even though statistics...
Falafel nutrition facts
Information on FalafelFalafel is a fried patty which is usually made from favabeans or chickpeas and is commonly served in a specially prepared type ofbread. It originates from the Middle...
Common cold incubation period
Common coldCommon cold is one of the most frequent respiratory tract diseases. There is not a person who has never suffered from common cold. The most usual symptoms of this...
Medial ankle pain
Pain in the ankle and the main factsAnkle is a part of the body that is very susceptible to injuries, and the fact is, that a number of various reasons...
Reasons to stop smoking: why should you quit smoking
Quitting is GainingOnce you are a smoker, you are likely to jeopardize your health daily. Namely, there are chances of developing many dangerous diseases. Moreover, your entire life changes for...
How to get rid of heat rash
Heat RashWe will talk about a very common problem, which will probably affect you at least once during your life, and it is called heat rash. First of all, it...
Alcohol detox at home
RehabilitationAlcohol is a chemical to which the body accustomed to and when we eliminate it fromthe use, body needs to adjust to the new situation. During this period, an individual...