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Herbs for breast cancer

Herbs for breast cancer

Breast Cancer-OverviewThis refers to a type of a cancer that originates from breast tissue. It can happen to both men and women, but it is far more common in women...

Healthy range for blood pressure

Healthy range for blood pressure

Normal blood pressure in adultsHere we will provide information on ranges that are considered to represent normal blood pressure. When, a blood pressure is measured, there are two values that...

Eat healthy during pregnancy

Eat healthy during pregnancy

Nutrition in Pregnancy It is very important to eat healthy during pregnancy. This does not mean stop eating baked food or cakes, but such meals should be spaced, while vegetables...

Spinal cord function

Spinal cord function

Spinal Cord Spinal cord (medulla spinalis) is a part of central nervous system located in the spinal canal (Canalis vertebralis) and protected by the spinal vertebrae, which, depending on the...

Best diet to get rid of acne

Best diet to get rid of acne

Acne are what we all encounter in puberty. They do little harm and they clear up by themselves whether you treat them or not, but they make you visually unappealing...

Regimen for ideal skin care

Regimen for ideal skin care

The Importance of Healthy SkinEveryone wants to have a beautiful andhealthy skin. In addition to having no skin problems causingirritation, discomfort and often pain, you will be proud of yourglowing...

Elbow numbness treatment

Elbow numbness treatment

There are many causes of the elbow numbness, which make people feel uncomfortable. The term numbness describes someone’s disability to have a feeling of touch in a particular part of...

Most fertile days to get pregnant

Most fertile days to get pregnant

Pregnancy is a process that changes much in a woman's life. Not only the body is changed, there is an entire list of psychological changes that come with the increase...

Tiredness during pregnancy

Tiredness during pregnancy

Carrying a Child Is Not an Easy TaskPregnant women, even though they areblessed with the miracle called child, still have a lot to endureduring the course of their pregnancy. Therefore...

Laxatives during pregnancy

Laxatives during pregnancy

Use of purgatives during pregnancyThere are some instances when pregnant women need or want to take a laxative. A purgative or laxative is a foodstuff or a medication that is...