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So what if they are gray

So what if they are gray

Gray HairThis phenomenon comes when we enter a certain age, but it can be easily eliminated with the use of a simple hair dye. Still, there are several things you...

Herbs for depression and stress

Herbs for depression and stress

About depressionThese days depression is one of the leading health problems in the world. The main signs of depression are lack of motivation, feeling of hopelessness and melancholy. Depressive individuals...

Cardio exercises to do at home

Cardio exercises to do at home

Make Your Home Your GymIt is a well known fact that cardio exercises are the best for reaching and maintaining one's proper body figure and fitness. However, many give up...

Yoga during pregnancy

Yoga during pregnancy

A Renowned DisciplineYoga has already become a well knowndiscipline, and many of its benefits are experienced by numerousdifferent people. It relaxes you, makes it easier for you to reachboth physical...

Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch Marks During PregnancyMost pregnant women fear of getting stretch marks and indeed between 75 and 90 % of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. This normally occurs because as...

How to get good eating habits

How to get good eating habits

Acquiring proper eating habitsIt does not matter of what age, gender you are or how physically active you are – we all need to try to have a good nutrition...

Stomach pain after drinking alcohol

Stomach pain after drinking alcohol

Anyone who’s ever gone a little overboard with drinking alcohol is probably familiar with the term hangover and its symptoms. But while the symptoms of a hangover are mostly just...

Symptoms of post acute withdrawal syndrome

Symptoms of post acute withdrawal syndrome

Post acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) occurs after withdrawal from alcohol, opiates and other substances as number of physical and psychological problems. What is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?When a person discontinues...

Facts related to DHEA levels

Facts related to DHEA levels

Dehydroepiandrosterone – DHEAOur body, more precisely, the glands in the body, produce many hormones that are very important for a proper functioning of the whole organism. Thus, the adrenal glands...

Apple juice nutrition

Apple juice nutrition

Apple juice is a fresh and healthy fruit juice produced by draining and pressing of the apples. Apple juice is most healthier, if it is made from organic apples and...