Dehydroepiandrosterone – DHEA
Our body, more precisely, the glands in the body, produce many hormones that are very important for a proper functioning of the whole organism. Thus, the adrenal glands, as well as gonads and the brain secrete a steroid called dehydroepiandrosterone. The most popular brand names of the supplements of this hormone are Fidelin, Prastera, Prasterone and Flausterone. These supplements can be easily found in almost every local chemistry and they can be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
Dehydroepiandrosterone, abbreviated DHEA, is a hormone that the body’s cells and tissues get through the bloodstream. Many people use DHEA supplements. In that case, about 90% of dehydroepiandrosterone and about 10% of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, abbreviated DHEAS can be found in the blood. In the majority of cases, it is much better to measure DHEAS than DHEA, since the levels of DHEAS are more stable. The levels of dehydroepiandrosterone are not the same during a day. This hormone is produced in the morning and it is the period of day when it has the peak level. Gradually, the level of DHEA declines during the day, because the kidneys clear it very fast.
Functions of dehydroepiandrosterone – DHEA
DHEA is a hormone that is necessary for a human body. There are many functions of this hormone. It is very effective in blocking the cancerous growths and in preventing from aging and obesity. Furthermore, it improves the memory and boosts the immune system. Dehydroepiandrosterone is also very good for maintaining the cardiovascular health and rejuvenating the tired muscles. Since, this steroid can be converted into testosterone, estrogen, melatonin and many other hormones, it is also called mother hormone.
Levels of dehydroepiandrosterone – DHEA
The levels of DHEA tend to lower with aging, but there are many other factors that influence the lowering of this hormone. For example, exposure to electricity and too much vitamin C may considerably decrease the level of this hormone in the blood.
Since DHEA gets the substance it needs from the hormone progesterone, then the level of progesterone influences the level of DHEA. Thus, when the progesterone level is normal, it also means the normal DHEAlevel. The normal level of dehydroepiandrosterone in blood ranges from 25 to 220 mol/L, or from 1.9 to 7.6 ng/ml. The people who take DHEA supplements should use about 25 mg of DHEA daily. This amount of DHEA supplement usually does not have any side effect.
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