The lemon tree is one of the oldest types of cultivated fruit plants known to man. It originates from the Indian subcontinent and it is very popular because it provides the human body with numerous sorts of health benefits. Nowadays, it is cultivated in all the subtropical climates around the globe. Lemon is commonly used for various therapeutic, cleaning and cooking purposes. It is also a very potent natural diuretic, which means that it can be used for getting rid of all excess water in the human body by increasing the urine flow. Lemon may also come in very handy when it comes to flushing out excessive amounts of electrolytes and sodium through the urine.
Benefits of Lemon as a Natural Diuretic
Lemon is a very potent natural laxative and a diuretic, and it is best consumed with a glass of hot or warm water. One may also add a slight pinch of cranberry to the natural diuretic lemon juice to enhance the taste. The lemons need to be squeezed and poured into the bottle, but one should remove the seeds prior to this. This type of juice is natural and it possesses very potent disinfectant, dietetic, antioxidant and diuretic properties. Due to the extreme amounts of vitamin C contained in the juice, it may come in very handy when it comes to fighting off the free radicals and reducing the amount and severity of damage they cause to the human body on the cellular level. All those who suffer from the irritable bowel syndrome or different types of urinary tract infections usually find the natural diuretic lemon juice to be of great help for their medical conditions. Lemon juice is very efficient in inducing an increased rate of urination and cleansing the urinary tract. It flushes out all the harmful bacteria and toxic agents from the body. Those who suffer from diabetes, rheumatism and arthritis should also use plenty of natural diuretic lemon juice.
Considerations Before Using Lemon
One should use lemon as a diuretic only when such needs arise. Prolonged use of lemon as a diuretic may lead to gum problems and deterioration of the teeth enamel. It may also lead to potassium deficiency and severe dehydration. Some other food items with natural diuretic properties include apple cider vinegar, watermelon, artichoke, watercress, beet, tomato, cucumber, nettle, cranberry juice, green tea, carrot, fennel, dandelion and cabbage.
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