Diabetes and painful legs
Diabetic neuropathies are disorders that are associated with diabetes. People who suffer from diabetes can develop damage to the nervous system throughout the body and cause symptoms like: numbness or...

Healthy high energy foods
Let the Children PlaySince your youngest ones need as much physical activities as they can get, you need to provide them food which will enable them enough energy to endure...

Surgery for radiculopathy
RadiculopathyThis name is associated with the compressed spine nerve, which causes tingling, numbness, weakness and pain in the area around the nerve. The most common location for this problem is...

Natural cure for dry mouth
Dry mouthDry mouth occurs because of the lack of saliva production. There are many products for dry mouth on the market, and it is proven that they are not as...

Home treatment for thrush in mouth
Thrush in the mouthThrush is an infection in the mouth. Thrush belongs to the group of yeasts. Although it can appear in anyone, this infection usually affects babies and elderly...

Causes of sacroiliac pain
Sacroiliac jointsThe sacroiliac joints are those joints that connectthe lower spine and pelvis. The connection of the sacrum and two iliac bonesforms these joints. The sacrum is a bone that...

Wheat intolerance symptoms
Wheat Intolerance Celiac disease is a chronic reaction to certain protein chains, most often gluten which can be found in wheat grains. This reaction causes destruction of the small intestine...

Symptoms of lupus in women
Lupus Lupus is a disease that is very difficult to diagnose, because every case of lupus differs. It is a disorder of the autoimmune system in which the immune system...

Pain in metatarsal phalangeal joint
Arthritis of the first metatarso-phalangeal joint - Hallux limitus/rigidusThe human body is very fragile and prone to many disorders. These disorders may affect any part of the body and any...

Normal hCG levels
Human Chorionic gonadotropin, the abbreviation of which is hCH, is a pregnancy hormone, which can be found in the urine or blood of a pregnant woman, and because of that...