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Acute cutaneous lupus

Acute cutaneous lupus

About lupusLupus, or more precisely, lupus erythematosus is a disease that affects connective tissue in the body. The exact cause of this disease is unknown but it is probably a...

Excessive sweating while sleeping

Excessive sweating while sleeping

Excessive sweating while sleeping is often an unpleasant experience. Sometimes, it is caused by simple things such as environmental temperature or an extra blanket. However, excessive night sweat may also...

Medical alert bracelets

Medical alert bracelets

Medical alert bracelets are far from a simple accessory. There are situations in which they can save the life of the person wearing them. They are supposed to be worn...

Back spasms and home treatment

Back spasms and home treatment

Human muscles are known to cramp and knot up very quickly if we use them in the wrong way. Knots are known to occur if your muscle is suddenly contracted...

What are the benefits of dandelion

What are the benefits of dandelion

Dandelion may be more popular as an ornamental plant becauseit looks wonderful, but it also has many health benefits because it is very richin vitamins, iron, calcium and detoxifiers. The...

Herbs for lucid dreaming

Herbs for lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is the ability to bementally aware when in state of dreaming. People have always beeninterested in deciphering, controlling and remembering their dreamsand have thus, during history, developed many...

Health benefits of cardamom

Health benefits of cardamom

Cardamom is one of the mostwidely known spices but it also has numerous health benefits. Cardamom plantsare natives to India and their seedpods constitute the spice commonly known ascardamom. Cardamom...

Bowel cancer surgery and complications

Bowel cancer surgery and complications

Seven percent of people suffer from colon cancer. The most common symptom of colon cancer is blood in the stool, but other symptoms includes pain in the stomach, loss of...

Is there a cure for multiple sclerosis

Is there a cure for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease which features with the destruction of myelin, fine coating of the nerves. Overall consequences are devastating and the disease is progressive and for lifetime. Majority...

Symptoms of quitting alcohol

Symptoms of quitting alcohol

A person goes through the numerous symptoms and changes when prolonged heavy alcohol consumption suddenly stops. The most common symptoms include anxiety, insomnia and trembling. All the symptoms associated with...