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Is an ear infection contagious

Is an ear infection contagious

A Common Problem at Young AgeApproximately one third of all childrenis bound to suffer from an ear infection. Most of those children areless than 5 years old. Older children rarely...

Gene responsible for baldness

Gene responsible for baldness

FactsThe condition in question is characterized by advancing thinning of the person’s hair. This condition is also more frequent when it comes to male, than to female population. As far...

Hamstring injury symptoms

Hamstring injury symptoms

Cramp or injury?When you feel a painfulsensation in your thighs while you run, it is likely that you willthink that you have just pulled a hamstring. But, that may not...

Natural laxatives for pregnant women

Natural laxatives for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a rewarding period in a woman’s life. However, it comes with its set of the problems, like aches, morning sickness, bloating, water retention, constipation and more. These problems...

Symptoms of selenium deficiency

Symptoms of selenium deficiency

Selenium is a nutrient that is present in our body almost in the every organ and it is necessary for a proper functioning of the body. However, only small amounts...

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Type 2diabetes – basics everyone ought to knowThis subtype of diabetes is characterized by the inability of thehuman body to utilize the produced insulin in the correct manner, as well...

Natural remedies for diabetics

Natural remedies for diabetics

The latestconfirmation and claim by the American Diabetes Association states that, onaverage, two in every three persons suffering from diabetes lose their life dueto a particular disease cardiovascular in nature...

Allergy control products for asthma

Allergy control products for asthma

Allergies andreactionsLiving withan allergy sometimes isn’t easy. Some people are misinformed and believe thatallergies involve only frequent sneezing, but in fact there is a whole range of the symptoms and...

Yerba mate side effects

Yerba mate side effects

Information on Yerba MateYerba mate is actually a shrub and it is used quite often asa water pill. It is very popular because of its potent antidepressant andstimulant properties. Yerba...

Somatic nervous system

Somatic nervous system

Nervous system of the human body is a very complex system,which is made of the network of neurons, which are cells specialized forcoordinating actions and for transmitting signals between various...