Type 1 diabetes treatment
What is Type 1 Diabetes?Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition caused by lack of the insulin production. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that controls blood sugar...

Thyroid storm overview
Thyroid storm is life-threatening condition that occurs due to untreated hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid gland). Causes of Thyroid StormHyperthyroidism develops when a thyroid gland, which is located at the front...

Lemon water in the morning
Lemon Water CharacteristicsNumerous people around the world haveintroduced a very healthy habit to their lives. Namely, they drink aglass of lemon water each morning. This has proven to be quitebeneficiary...

Lower abdominal exercises
It is essential to reduce extra weight in order to have anormal life and to be healthy. Obesity is not an aesthetic issue, actually thatshould be the last cIt is...

Information on wisdom tooth extraction
A wisdom tooth is the last tooth which grows and this typically occurs between the age of 17 and 21. Majority of the adults have all four wisdom teeth, which...

Hamstring exercises at home
Home Exercising for Your Hamstring MusclesOur hamstring muscles, located on the back side of our thighs, are very useful to us, especially while we are running or walking. In fact...

Acidophilus capsules facts
Acidophilus capsules are probiotic supplements that contain strains of lactobacillus acidophilus, which are bacteria that are beneficial for human health. When they think about bacteria, most people immediately think of...

Nourishing powers of seaweed
Information on SeaweedSeaweed is one of the natural ways of nourishing and protecting the skin and improving its overall health and quality. It has very potent curative and properties that...

Malic acid benefits
Malic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acids, found in the unripe and sour fruits. It can also be present as the normal ingredient in some vegetables. Apples are...

CT angiogram procedure
What exactly is CT angiogram and when is it done?CT angiography is a procedure that uses computer tomographytechnology to check the blood vessels (arteries and veins) in various areasof the...