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Exercises for painful neck

Exercises for painful neck

Simple Yet EffectiveNumerous researches have shown the importance of neck exercises for pain relief. Namely, once you correct your posture, and move your neck in an adequate way, you may...

Causes of rodent ulcer

Causes of rodent ulcer

Rodent UlcerRodent ulcers are one of the characteristics of the eosinophilic granuloma complex. This condition includes the invasion of the epithelial tissues with specific white blood cells- eosinophils. Eosinophils are...

Painful tendons in feet

Painful tendons in feet

Foot Tendons PainIn this article we are going to talk about the possible causes and treatments of the ligament pain and foot tendons pain. Tendons are the connective tissues that...

Diet supplements for men

Diet supplements for men

Diet Supplements for MenConsidering today’s lifestyle, it is quite hard for male population to stay fit. Most frequently, men accumulate most fat in abdomen and waist area. Busy schedules usually...

Muscle spasms in lower back

Muscle spasms in lower back

Introduction to back spasmsWhen a person is active, especially if that person is participating in sports regularly, then there is a chance that they will face problems with back spasms...

Fungal lung infection

Fungal lung infection

Introduction to fungal lung infectionsA fungus can in some cases cause long problems, especially through infections of the pulmonary tissue or by triggering immunological reactions when fungus is inhaled. Usually...

Lack of vitamins can be bad for health

Lack of vitamins can be bad for health

Vitamins in human nutritionIt is common knowledge that a man’s and woman’s body requires a specific daily quantity of vitamins and minerals in order to be able to perform its...

Candida diet menu

Candida diet menu

What is Candidiasis? Candidiasis is a growing problem due to greater use of highly processed foods and foods with sugar added. It is usually caused by fungus Candida albicans, which...

Chronic pneumonia

Chronic pneumonia

One of the most common lung infections is pneumonia and it develops due to bacteria, viruses, and fungi that affect our lungs. If you are dealing with acute pneumonia, a...

Renal diet recipes

Renal diet recipes

Patients suffering from kidney (renal) problems should closely watch their diet. What they eat may affect their health and because of that, these patients are advised to control and limit...