Warts- background
Theseunpleasant looking and feeling growths, besides the fact that they can turn upjust about anywhere on the person’s body, are also of the benign nature. As far asthe rate of their occurrence is concerned, they are considered to be fairlycommon. They appear, mostly, all of a sudden and have the general tendencyto disappear on their own after certain period of time. The main culprit fortheir appearance is, now already wide-known, virus named papilloma (or HPV forshort).
Methodsfor removal
Fortunately,for all those people who have had the opportunity to “meet” them up close andpersonal, and are not at all to eager on keeping them, there exist numerous methodsand techniques for “getting rid” of them. In case non of these methods help, orif the results are not satisfying, then people resort to more radical techniquessuch as the removal of a wart, or warts, by the help of a laser. Thisparticular technique is also employed in case a wart has gained too much insize. The way the laser technique functions is the following – beam of light isconcentrated on the wart itself for a particular amount of time with the aim toeradicate it by burning. This method is, in most cases, conducted inside theoffice of a doctor the person in question has opted for, and also at a clinicwith the use of an anesthetic (in most cases local one).
Whenit comes to the specific kind of lasers that can be employed to ameliorate,i.e. help in eradicating this “pest” efficiently, there exists quite a numberof them. On the other hand two specific types are considered to be most effective. Those two are known as the carbon dioxide lasers, and thepulsed dye lasers.
Lasertype 1 - The carbon dioxide laser
Thisparticular type of a laser functions by emitting an extremely concentrated beamof light that is set to vaporize all the tissue that has fallen under theeffect of a wart. Its strength lies in the fact that the rate of success isextremely high in people who undergo this types of “therapy”, since it showsresults even after the first use.
Lasertype 2 - The pulsed dye laser
Theother type of a laser functions in a bit different way. Namely this particularkind of lasers function in the way that they are employed to target thehemoglobin, but do it so inside the blood vessels that are situated in the wartitself. What happens then is that the heat, produced by them, starts to spreadall over the tissue surrounding the wart and thus seals the above mentionedblood vessels, which has for its end result starving of a wart by vaporizingall the nutrients it needs for growth.
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