How to grow hair back in a bald spot
Hair lossApart from many serious health conditions, hair loss is considered to be one of the most distressful conditions since it can be quite embarrassing when bald patches start to...

Home remedies for head cold
Head cold is probably the most common illness in the world. Almost everyone gets these colds and it is estimated that the majority of the world’s population suffers from it...

Feet swelling during pregnancy
Many pregnant women have to deal with feet swelling. This symptom may be considered normal for the third trimester of pregnancy and it can be also an indication of some...

Lemon cayenne pepper diet
There are many diets people can choose from in order toreduce the weight and to get rid of that extra fat that somehow is not easilyeliminated. What can actually be...

Treatments for sunburn
Sunburns occur as a result of overexposure to sun. They happen to people who spend too much time in the sun without protective clothes and sunblock or sunscreen. They can...

How levothroid can help you overcome thyroid deficiency
Thyroid Gland and HypothyroidismThyroid gland is located in the front base of the neck, and is often described to be butterfly shaped. Its main role is to produce thyroid hormones...

Chronic yeast infections
YeastInfectionsYeastinfections are a fairly common condition, especially among women, who can contract vaginal yeast infections relatively easily. These infections will typically arise during the years of a woman's life in...

Antibiotics during pregnancy
Categories of Drugs used in Pregnancy All medications, including antibiotics, are sorted into severaldifferent categories according to the safety when used in pregnant women. Thecategories are known as A, B...

Hot flashes relief
What are Hot Flashes?Hot flashes are a common symptom of menopause. A hot flash is a sudden and intense feeling of warmth that is mainly experienced in the upper body...

Hand sanitizer ingredients
IntroductionIt is always better to prevent any chemical or biological contamination than to cure once it already occurs. There are certain methods of hand washing which are among the key...