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7 day detox diet

7 day detox diet

This 7 day detox diet in seven stages can last from one to four weeks. Namely, choosing the diet which is one week long, each stage will take only one...

Stop smoking aids

Stop smoking aids

Introduction to cigarette smokingMany people are addicted to smoking cigarettes and cannot stop even though they know that it is extremely harmful for their health. However, if a person is...

Guide to blood type diet

Guide to blood type diet

The blood type diet was designed by a naturopathic physician Peter D’Adamo, author of Eat Right 4 Your Type. Peter D’Adamo claims that each blood type needs to have its...

Biotin deficiency

Biotin deficiency

In the vitamin overview, biotin is classified as a B-complex vitamin, which is needed by the all organisms and which can’t be synthesized by all of them. These organisms also...

Ringworm rash info

Ringworm rash info

Although the name “ringworm rash” might be associated with the worms, this common skin condition is caused by fungus that subsists on the keratin located on the outer layers of...

Treatment for scalp psoriasis

Treatment for scalp psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis - General InfoScalp psoriasis is only one form of the psoriasis and it features with typical reddish plaque and dandruff-like flaking which affect the scalp. Mild form of...

Failure and complications of lap band surgery

Failure and complications of lap band surgery

Lap Band Surgery - OverviewLap band surgery is highly effective weight loss procedure particularly comparing to the other types of weight loss surgeries. Still, even this surgical procedure carries certain...

Eat organic food to be healthy

Eat organic food to be healthy

Organic is HealthySupremacy of organic food when comparedto processed food is well known and, more or less, obvious. Namely,every time people mention “organic” healthy, nutrient-rich andnatural comes into our mind...

Probiotics, what are they

Probiotics, what are they

Probiotics is the new buzz word among people who take care about their health in general, not just when they are sick. Supermarkets, grocery stores and pharmacies offer an array...

Honey for acne

Honey for acne

The Miraculous HoneyHoney is known to be healthy and itsapplication for our benefit is wide and versatile. This incrediblyhealthy natural product has proven to show beautiful results in thefield of...