Trying to Get Pregnant After Tubes Tied
A tubal ligation is a surgical procedure done on a female in order to prevent pregnancy. While most believe the procedure is permanent, there are those women that change their...
Getting your tubes tied - pros and cons
A tubal ligation is most commonly known as "getting your tubes tied". It is, as most will be aware of, a procedure that renders a woman permanently infertile. During a...
Essure tubal ligation
When we think about a tubal ligation, we think about abdominal surgery to sever and tie the fallopian tubes often done right after a cesarean section, an requiring a serious...
Permanent Birth Control as Female Sterilization: Tubal Ligation Pros and Cons
Mark these words: think twice definitely think more than twice before undergoing tubal ligation, a permanent female sterilization process. There are many non-permanent procedures of birth control available and decision...
Tubal ligation side effects
Getting your tubes tied is one of the most effective ways to permanently prevent pregnancy. But, unlike other permanent contraception options such as a vasectomy, Adiana and Essure permanent birth...
Tubal Ligation: Fallopian Tubes Tied Procedure
Often when a couple makes the decision not to have any more children, either one or the other will undergo a permanent surgical sterilization procedure. For a man it would...
Chances of Getting Pregnant After Tubal Ligation
A tubal ligation is a procedure in which surgery is performed on a female to keep her from becoming pregnant. While most people think the procedure is permanent, there are...
The earliest symptoms of pregnancy
Each and every woman experiences pregnancy differently. It is safe to say that no two pregnancies are the same, even in the same woman! Yet, there is a set of...
If you're a regular user of tampons you should be aware of toxic shock syndrome!
Toxic shock syndrome, even though it is a very rare condition, can affect anyone, regardless of the sex or age. However, the best way of preventing this condition is through...
Newborn milestones
The big milestones most babies go through in their first year are sitting up, crawling, and starting the first solid foods. But even newborns change and learn new things every...