This method is 99,5% effective as birth control prevention, and there despite the theoretical impossibility to conceive, still a minor chance to conceive a baby. The process of tubal ligation is relatively simple and can be performed under local anesthesia, although general anesthesia is usually applied. However this does not mean the procedure is na ve. The procedure takes about one hour and a half. Usually it is performed laparoscopic and during the procedure the abdomen is filled with carbon dioxide gas. This enables the abdominal wall balloons to stay away from the uterus and tubes. Then the surgeon makes a small cut just below the navel and a laparoscope which is a small telescope-like instrument, is inserted.
Another incision is made in order to cut, sew or burn the tubes. However, if you are undergoing this procedure just to have sex without having to worry about birth control and having sex without thinking about your protection pardon my French, but you are stupid. There is a still a chance to become a victim of STD, and I am not talking about HIV only there is HPV, herpes, Chlamydia and many, many other waiting for you use your head and use condoms!
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