Ectopic pregnancy and hCG levels
Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies in which the fertilized egg attaches itself outside of the uterus, normally in the fallopian tubes. Since this condition, also sometimes called a tubal pregnancy, is...
Will a home pregnancy test catch an ectopic pregnancy?
Did you miss a menstrual period, and are experiencing pregnancy-like symptoms? Have you noticed any abdominal pain, especially on one side? If you have taken a pregnancy test that came...
Blood test for ectopic pregnancy coming soon?
Ectopic pregnancies, which develop outside the uterus, can go undiagnosed until they turn into a grave emergency relatively easily, because they don't always have clear symptoms. Ectopic pregnancies, also sometimes...
Ectopic pregnancies and the Catholic Church
Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies that develop outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. While there are some rare cases where extra uterine pregnancies resulted in healthy babies, such...
Can you carry an ectopic pregnancy to term?
An ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy that develops outside of the uterus. The most common and well known form of ectopic pregnancy is a tubal pregnancy, but in some cases...
Trying to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy
After you have been through an ectopic pregnancy, trying to conceive again can be filled with worries. You might wonder if you are likely to experience yet another tubal pregnancy...
Braxton-hicks contractions - what they are and what they feel like
Who ever said that you will only get contractions when you go into labor? The uterus starts contracting around six weeks into pregnancy, actually! Because your uterus will still be...
When during pregnancy do Braxton Hicks contractions start?
Braxton Hicks contractions are period uterine contractions that do not bring on labor and the birth of your baby they happen through most of every woman's pregnancy. Everyone who has...
Braxton Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions are random, patternless uterine contractions that start early on in pregnancy. They are referred to as contractions because they technically are, but they have nothing to do...
Vasectomy pros and cons
A vasectomy is a procedure during which the vas deferens, which transport sperm from the mans scrotum to the penis, are cut. A vasectomy is a relatively minor intervention which...