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Can you walk around with an epidural in labor?

Can you walk around with an epidural in labor?

Epidural anesthesia is a very effective and extremely popular form of pain relief during labor and birth. Depending on where you live, more women might decide to give birth with...

What is the importance of prenatal care?

What is the importance of prenatal care?

Prenatal care, many expectant mothers assume, is something that is centrally important to their pregnancy. We don't question the need to see a doctor or midwife throughout our pregnancies. But...

August - national breastfeeding month!

August - national breastfeeding month!

August is national breastfeeding months! Or international breastfeeding month if you like, since countries like Zimbabwe are also joining in. Breastfeeding is well known to be the optimal infant feeding...

Mirena IUD side effects

Mirena IUD side effects

The Mirena coil is a t-shaped intrauterine device made of plastic. It also includes a reservoir that emits small doses of hormones, combining the benefits of the traditional coil with...

Trying to get pregnant after mirena

Trying to get pregnant after mirena

The Mirena intrauterine system is a t-shaped plastic coil that also has a reservoir emitting the hormone levonorgestrel into the body. For many women, Mirena is a convenient birth control...

What is a bicornuate uterus?

What is a bicornuate uterus?

Around seven percent of all women has an abnormally shaped uterus. A normal uterus is pear-shaped, and women who have abnormalities have differently shaped uteri. Such abnormalities include uterus didelphys...