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How long should you breastfeed?

How long should you breastfeed?

This article is written in honor of International Breastfeeding Month, which takes place every August. Breastfeeding is of course, like any child-rearing choice, a very personal decision. And how long...

"Selective reduction" for twin pregnancies

"Selective reduction" for twin pregnancies

Selective reduction is a term that refers to aborting one baby in multiple pregnancies. It is a practice mainly associated with higher order multiples (like sextuplets), conceived after IVF treatment...

Late miscarriage symptoms

Late miscarriage symptoms

For many women going into a pregnancy, miscarriage symptoms are obvious doesn't every expectant mom look out for bleeding, cramps, and pain? Later on in pregnancy, miscarriage symptoms may be...

How to choose the right birth center

How to choose the right birth center

Choosing where to give birth is one of the hardest decisions to make during your pregnancy! If the one-on-one care and more home like environment of a birth center appeal...

Iron supplements during pregnancy

Iron supplements during pregnancy

Iron is essential to the body for many reasons it is necessary to create the protein in red blood cells which carries oxygen to other cells (hemoglobin), promotes a healthy...

Birth announcement ideas

Birth announcement ideas

After your precious baby is born, you want to share the happy news with all your family and friends and send out beautiful birth announcements. Many new parents are far...

Talking to your toddler about childbirth

Talking to your toddler about childbirth

Children are very curious, as we all know. Once your child knows that you are expecting a baby brother or sister, they may well ask questions about how the baby...

What to expect from a D&C?

What to expect from a D&C?

D&C is the common abbreviation for a dilation and curettage, a procedure that is sometimes carried out when a women has suffered a missed miscarriage or had a miscarriage after...