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Down syndrome key facts

Down syndrome key facts

Down syndrome, a chromosomal condition also known as trisomy 21, is a severe developmental condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21. Down syndrome affects children as soon...

Decaffeinated tea during pregnancy

Decaffeinated tea during pregnancy

Every expecting mother should take care of herself and her baby, that also means, she should make sure to consume healthy foods and drinks. This is very important, not just...

Emergency contraception side effects

Emergency contraception side effects

There is almost not a woman in the world that does not know what an emergency contraceptive pill is and cannot use it. According to the doctors, even breastfeeding women...

Educate patients on emergency contraception

Educate patients on emergency contraception

There are various methods of contraception available and many people use these regularly. However, many individuals are not adequately informed about their possible choices in these cases, commonly paying a...

Mental exercise for seniors

Mental exercise for seniors

The brain is an extremely complicated and complex organ. It is not predictable, and needs to be properly taken care of. Over time, brain function and capacity can deteriorate. Aging...

Path from infertility to adoption

Path from infertility to adoption

Even though most of us might believe that having a baby is a simple and easy-to-achieve biological process, many beg to differ. Namely, numerous individuals in the world have tried...

Emergency contraception guidelines

Emergency contraception guidelines

What is emergency contraception?Emergency contraception is used as a type of a birth control measure to prevent pregnancy after the sexual intercourse has occurred. Emergency contraception is suitable only as...

Exercise for children equipment

Exercise for children equipment

Children perceive exercising as fun. Thus, whenever they see a device made for working out, they actually see a certain form of a playground for them to explore. Thus, it...

Lactational mastitis: Signs and symptoms

Lactational mastitis: Signs and symptoms

Mastitis is the term used for inflammation of breast tissue. This medical issue is frequently reported in breastfeeding women (lactation mastitis) and is generally a consequence of bacterial infection. The...

Eating disorder during pregnancy

Eating disorder during pregnancy

About 7 million of American women get affected by eating disorders, especially during their pregnancy. Namely, women in this part of their lives get quite occupied with their personal appearance...