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Down syndrome - XY chromosome

Down syndrome - XY chromosome

Down syndrome is a genetic disease that occurs as a chromosomal condition caused by the presence of an extra 21 chromosome. Chromosomal conditions, or chromosomal abnormalities, usually appear as a...

Mammography - Some common uses of the procedure

Mammography - Some common uses of the procedure

Many women fear breast cancer are very cautious regarding their health, bearing in mind that they have lead lives which promote well-being. However, the best way to prevent breast cancer...

Fertility before menopause based on menstrual cycle

Fertility before menopause based on menstrual cycle

Women are capable of conceiving beforethey enter their menopause. Thus, since the time they become fertile,until the time their organism stops producing new eggs, they shouldbe capable of having children...

Easy conceiving with fertility diet

Easy conceiving with fertility diet

IntroductionFor many couples, getting pregnant can be a long and difficult process. Some women are blessed with the ability to conceive very easily and they are usually perceived as very...

How age effects on your fertility?

How age effects on your fertility?

As we have all probably heard, as we grow older, our fertility levels decrease, especially if we are of the female sex. Therefore, for women, the age around 30 is...

Fertility and birth rate prevalence

Fertility and birth rate prevalence

Increasing Fertility Chances Fertility corresponds to the ability to conceive and have offspring. Whether a couple will be able to have children depends on numerous factors such as the overall...

Dyslexia in first grade: What should kids know

Dyslexia in first grade: What should kids know

Dyslexia is described as a learningdisorder which manifests through difficulties related to learning howto read, write and spell correctly, experiencing problems when itcomes to performing word processing operations.The term dyslexia...