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Maternal age: Down syndrome in teenagers

Maternal age: Down syndrome in teenagers

Down syndrome is a condition medicallyreferred to as trisomy 21, due to the fact that it is caused by agenetic problem affecting the 21st chromosome,manifesting through 3 chromosomes on this...

Frequently asked questions about abortion

Frequently asked questions about abortion

Abortion as an optionAbortion is a termination of pregnancy and one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. It is estimated that about 40% of all women...

Risk of buying fertility drugs online

Risk of buying fertility drugs online

Taking into consideration thatfertility treatments taking place in hospitals and clinics are moreexpensive than many people can afford, numerous individuals opt forgiving fertility drugs purchased over the Internet a try.These...

E coli infection in babies

E coli infection in babies

Escherichia coli is a major component of the normal intestinal flora. It is widely present in the human body and environment. Most Escherichia coli have a beneficial and even essential...

Fertility after 35

Fertility after 35

Women over 35 years of age may have some problems once they decide to become moms, since it is less difficult to get pregnant at younger age. Although women of...

Fertility and age: What the statistics say

Fertility and age: What the statistics say

Women who want to have kids often decide they will wait for some time. This waiting may cause fertility problems due to the age and declining quality of the eggs...

Dyslexia symptoms in children

Dyslexia symptoms in children

There are not a lot of people in the world who have never heard of dyslexia. However, lots of people have problems when it comes to identifying the symptoms of...

Dyslexia symptoms in teenagers

Dyslexia symptoms in teenagers

Dyslexic individuals are prone to being forgetful and disorganized. However, above that, they have problems with writing and spelling, as well as reading and expressing themselves orally. Dyslexia affects one's...