Every expecting mother should take care of herself and her baby, that also means, she should make sure to consume healthy foods and drinks. This is very important, not just for her own health, but also for healthy development of her child. Therefore, there are not only some foods that are recommended, but there are also foods and drinks that should be avoided during pregnancy.
Caffeine during pregnancy
Caffeine is a substance that is widely considered to have negative properties for the human health, but on the other hand, there are certain conditions or health problems whose symptoms could be relieved by consuming this substance.
Caffeine acts as a stimulant or a psychoactive drug and it affects the central nervous system. When a pregnant woman consumes excessive amounts of caffeine, it usually results in her newborn baby being underweight or, in some serious cases, it can cause even miscarriage.
Due to its properties, caffeine accelerates the heart rate, as well as metabolic processes. It is also thought to lead to the constriction of the blood channels, causing the placenta to not receive enough amounts of blood. For a pregnant woman, it is of crucial importance to stay well-hydrated, but caffeine causes the body to eliminate excessive water.
For all these reasons, a pregnant woman should avoid consummation of caffeine either in coffee or tea since it only has negative effects on the body.
Decaffeinated tea during pregnancy
Decaffeination can be defined as a removal of the caffeine from coffee and tea and from the other drinks that have caffeine as an ingredient. This process is carried out in order to reduce the side effects of many teas which, otherwise may have many health benefits. Since pregnant women are advised not to consume caffeine, decaffeinated teas are, therefore, allowed. Various kinds of teas are very beneficial for treating many discomforts that appear in pregnancy, such as morning sickness or upset stomach.
Nevertheless, every pregnant woman should know that even decaffeinated teas are not totally free of caffeine since the total removal of it is not possible. However, the amounts of caffeine in the decaffeinated teas are very low. Therefore, moderate intake of decaffeinated teas in pregnancy is considered to be safe for the mother and for the baby.
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