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Vaccinations for children - pros and cons

Vaccinations for children - pros and cons

Every doctor will agree that prevention is far better than cure. Vaccination is one of the most common ways a person can prevent a disease or illness. However, a lot...

Down syndrome management

Down syndrome management

Down syndrome goes hand-in-hand with numerous physical and mental problems. Therefore, even when the negative symptoms of this condition are not present at birth, these might appear during adulthood. Today...

Prevention of type 2 diabetes in children

Prevention of type 2 diabetes in children

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic medical condition characterized by the body's inability to respond correctly to insulin. This problem is known as insulin resistance. Insulin is normally utilized to...

Your contraceptive choices

Your contraceptive choices

Introduction It is very important for all sexually active men and women to understand how pregnancy occurs and, if they are not ready to become parents yet, what options are...

Fertility boosting tips

Fertility boosting tips

Some couples appear to be successful on the first try but most healthy couples need around several months to conceive. For decades now, doctors know that certain simple things can...

Eye diseases in children

Eye diseases in children

Commonly, vision problems in children go unnoticed, becoming severe as children grow older. Namely, these vision problems may be triggered by numerous factors and parents need to be on the...

Family planning association of Malawi

Family planning association of Malawi

Malawi's challengesMalawi is a landlocked country in southeast Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland. The estimated population of this country is nearly 14 million and yet this country falls...

Fertility boosting diet

Fertility boosting diet

Infertility is very important issue for many couples. Their busy schedule doesn’t leave them enough time to think about physical exercise and their job might even get in the way...

Most common rashes in children

Most common rashes in children

Many parents get really scared seeing rash on their child, but this sign is rarely associated with some serious medical problem. In most cases, children do not have to visit...

Down syndrome and nursing

Down syndrome and nursing

Down syndrome is a condition which manifests through a series of physical and mental disorders affecting a person. It is caused by a chromosomal disorder, where there is an extra...