Taking into consideration thatfertility treatments taking place in hospitals and clinics are moreexpensive than many people can afford, numerous individuals opt forgiving fertility drugs purchased over the Internet a try.
These drugs are obtained with adiscount and people consider this an advantage. However, this way ofobtaining medications may not be the safest and the most recommendedone. If you desire to find our why, read on.
What to Know about Fertility Drugs
About 6.1 million American citizenssuffer from fertility problems, regardless of their sex. While mencannot become fathers due to their low sperm count, women encounterovulation disorders, inflammation in the pelvic area and appearanceof fibroids. Yet, as it was mentioned above, treatment for theseconditions are very expensive and only 20% of all infertile couplesactually manage to afford it.
On average, a couple spends about$2,477 on fertility treatment, mainly on hormones which stimulate theovaries to produce eggs. Moreover, about $3,847 is spent onGonal-F, an injectable drug most commonly used for these purposes.All that money gets invested solely in medications. However, multipletherapies may need to be used and people need to visit their doctorson a regular basis. Therefore, an average total cost of aninfertility treatment can range from $40,000 to $50,000. Finally,only about 20% of all patients actually manage to give birth at theend of the treatment.
Therefore, people turn to fertilitydrugs obtained from other sources such as off-shore drug suppliers orservices on the Internet like chat rooms, forums and message boardsinstead of buying these medications from legalized and registeredpharmacies.
Subsequently, physicians and regulatorsare commonly concerned with this rising problem, since people whopurchase these drugs get no safety guarantee or quality controlreports. Also, the dosage standards of these drugs are not set andtheir transportation and storage may not be adequate. All of thesefactors can lead to potential health dangers.
It is not a rare occurrence that aperson thinks that he/she knows more about his/her health thanhis/her doctor. If we take this into consideration, most of thepeople who purchase drugs online have a similar attitude and believethat they can provide the right treatment for their infertilityproblems without the assistance of their health experts.
Yet, only a handful of onlinepharmacies are actually registered with the Care Quality Commission.Thus, most of these sources do not allow you to know what exactly youare buying. In fact, according to a survey carried out in 2008, about60% of all medications sold online were fake or produced throughprocesses characterized as non-standard. Furthermore, buying drugsfrom oversea, foreign sources and providers is commonly considered tobe illegal. The punishments for such actions may range from $250,000fine to 5 years in prison,
All in all, purchasing fertility, orany kind of drug online is not a safe way of obtaining medications.Bear in mind that buying drugs from illegal sources can put your ownhealth at risk, failing to help you solve your health problems atthe same time.
Fertility Treatment Options
In the UK, when you desire to go on afertility treatment, the expenses of the process can usually becovered by the NHS or you can finance it on your own. As far as theNHS is concerned, it covers the in-vitro treatments andintra-cytoplasmic sperm injection. However, the number of sessionscovered varies, depending on many factors such as the type ofcoverage and the health provider involved in the process.
Either way, the treatment can takeplace in a local hospital or in a clinic related to the health careprovider of yours.
Regardless of all the expenses of thetreatment being covered by the NHS, there is a high likelihood thatthe prescription charges and some other parts of the treatment mayhave to be covered by you yourself.
In order to receive the funding inEngland, you have to met certain requirements. You have to be a womanaging from 23 to 39, have an identified medical problem behind yourinfertility and a history of this problem lasting for more than 3years.
If your funding is granted, the wholeprocedure will have to be regulated by the Primary Care Trusts.Therefore, the type of funding and the amount of money available canvary, depending on the PCT.
Usually, patients with abnormal BMIcannot receive this funding nor can people who already havechildren or those who have already undergone the treatment before.
As far as other countries like Wales,Scotland and Ireland are concerned, the requirements and funding mayvary.
To sum up, it is better to give yourbest in order to obtain a legally funded treatment for yourinfertility problem than to risk making matters worse by trying toobtain the necessary medications from unreliable sources online oroverseas.
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