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Down syndrome heart problems

Down syndrome heart problems

Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a chromosomal condition characterized by the presence of an extra copy of genetic material on the 21st chromosome. Normally, people have 23...

Eating disorder: Children information for better meal

Eating disorder: Children information for better meal

Eating disorder is an umbrella term which encompasses numerous effects triggered by inappropriate attitudes towards food. Namely, these eating disorders lead to various unhealthy habits, all of which encompass food...

Information on twin pregnancy

Information on twin pregnancy

One zygote can split in two, or twozygotes can be formed at the same time, and both of these situations will leadto the pregnancy of twin babies. This is considered...

Therapy for kids with adhd

Therapy for kids with adhd

There is a policy statement on the treatment of the school aged children with ADHD released by the American Academy of Pediatrics in order to compliment the policy statement on...

Down syndrome health problems

Down syndrome health problems

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when a person has an extra chromosome. Typically, people have 46 chromosomes, organized in 23 pairs, while each of the parents passes...

Acupressure to induce labor

Acupressure to induce labor

Natural waysThere is quite a number of women who are in favor of less stressful and less painful labor, and this is one of the reasons why they constantly seek...

Therapy for kids with autism

Therapy for kids with autism

Autism is a certain type of medical condition characterized by experiencing the world much differently than the children who do not suffer from it. Children who suffer from autism cannot...

Fertility: Boosting foods for women

Fertility: Boosting foods for women

It may sound like a tale, but fertility can be influenced and improved by choosing certain foods. What is on your menu is important even before the conception, not just...

Family planning association

Family planning association

Family Planning Association, also known as FPA, is a sexual health charity that works hard to promote support on sexual health, sex and relationships, to the people of the United...

Fertility: Boosting foods for men

Fertility: Boosting foods for men

Women are much more likely to be the cause of infertility if a couple cannot conceive a child. However, in some 30% of all infertility problems the male partner is...