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Quebec Offering Free In Vitro Fertilization

Quebec Offering Free In Vitro Fertilization

Canada, more precisely Quebec may be offering free in vitro fertilization (IVF). It is important to bring out that this applies to the province of Quebec only and not entire...

PCOS and FSH and LH Levels

PCOS and FSH and LH Levels

Two hormones often tell the story of when a woman who has PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) will ovulate. These two hormones are follicle stimulating hormone, better known by its acronym...

PCOS IVF Success Rate

PCOS IVF Success Rate

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is extraordinarily expensive and physically and emotionally demanding. For many women who have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), however, it is the most likely path to conception...

Do Birth Control Pills Cause Infertility?

Do Birth Control Pills Cause Infertility?

Information that approximately 30% of reproductive mature women think that taking oral contraceptives is the cause of infertility and potential problems of causing problems when trying to conceive, is shocking...

Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis

Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis

The most common way to treat endometriosis is through the use of laparoscopic surgery. Instead of having to endure a large abdominal incision for surgery, a physician will make a...

Stress and Its Effects on Fertility

Stress and Its Effects on Fertility

Humans, women and men are designed in a way to deal with a certain amount of stress. However, when talking about chronic stress or constant stress exposure, the effects on...

How to Become a Sperm Donor

How to Become a Sperm Donor

For a man thinking about sperm donation, the process might seem as simple as walking in off the street, filling out some paperwork and that's it. However, it is not...