Sugar cravings during pregnancy
Everyone is aware of the fact that eating lots of sugar is not healthy. But what if you constantly crave sugar while you are pregnant? You might be relieved to...
How to cure pregnancy nausea
Were you envisaging spending the start of your pregnancy on a pink cloud, rather than in your bathroom, hanging above the toilet?I am sure you are not the only one...
When to make your first prenatal appointment
Prenatal care is an important part of pregnancy, but it can be difficult to know when to make your first prenatal appointment. Newly pregnant women sometimes wonder when they should...
A list of the safest pregnancy exercises
Exercising during pregnancy is a great way to keep fit and healthy. Those women who lead active lives while they are expecting a baby benefit in numerous ways. Working out...
Cervical mucus after ovulation: what is it like?
Cervical mucus can give you an awful lot of information, but there is a learning curve to knowing what your cervical mucus is telling you. One of the most common...
Becoming an egg donor in Virginia
In the state of Virginia, assisted fertility centers typically take great care to ensure the anonymity of egg donors and parents, protecting both parties from confusion about parental rights and...
How to become an egg donor
More and more women are becoming egg donors. If you are considering becoming an egg donor, because you want to do something to help infertile couples, to make money, or...
First fertility appointment
A first visit to an RE, a Reproductive Endocrinologist, can be quite nerve-wrecking. It is absolutely normal to be anxious about your first fertility appointment, even if the appointment might...
IVF kids mentally healthy, Dutch researchers say
With IVF being an increasingly popular and widely used medical procedure, speculations about the health consequences of IVF are also on the rise. Recent studies have claimed that IVF-lings have...
Going for sperm analysis? A short outline of the procedure
Sperm analysis is usually one of the first procedures that are recommended when a couple has been unable to get pregnant. It tests things like sperm volume, morphology, sperm count...