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Trying to Get Pregnant After the Pill

Trying to Get Pregnant After the Pill

It does not matter how long a woman has been taking the pill, whether it is for one year or more, physicians recommend a woman waits for 1-3 months prior...

Basal Body Temperature Cervical Mucus Chart

Basal Body Temperature Cervical Mucus Chart

When a couple tries to conceive an infant and is experiencing fertility impairment, there are many considerations to be made. Basal body temperature cervical mucus chart information is very important...

Varicocele and Male Infertility

Varicocele and Male Infertility

Male infertility can be caused by many things and often it creates many problems for a couple that is trying to conceive. Usually women check them selves with doctor first...

Planning to Get Pregnant

Planning to Get Pregnant

For a woman, pregnancy is one of the most exciting and important journey's she can ever go through in life. When a woman is considering whether or not to become...

Trying to Get Pregnant After 40

Trying to Get Pregnant After 40

Despite what many women believe about putting off starting a family, the facts are clear and female fertility does decrease with age. Statistical information points to the fact that now...

Letrozole Side Effects

Letrozole Side Effects

Letrozole (Femara) is a commonly used infertility medication, but is also used to treat certain forms of female cancer. Fertility drugs are used for two different reasons, either to induce...

Male Fertility Testing

Male Fertility Testing

As more and more couples are faced with the emotional reality of not being able to naturally conceive, medical science is subjecting males to just as many tests as females...

Getting Pregnant: 50 mg Clomid

Getting Pregnant: 50 mg Clomid

There are many different fertility drugs which can be used to induce ovulation in an infertile woman, one of the most effective being Clomid. Because of its history, the drug...