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Cyprus IVF Center

Cyprus IVF Center

The Mediterranean island of Cyprus is quickly becoming an international hub for advance medicine, including not just IVF and PGD (in vitro fertilization and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) but a full...

IVF increases risk of birth defects?

IVF increases risk of birth defects?

There have been several reports in the news over the last few weeks that IVF significantly increases the risk of birth defects, and some researchers say that every person who...

A male birth control pill at last!

A male birth control pill at last!

Male contraceptive pills have been invented before, but now a new birth control pill allowing men to take charge of their fertility has been developed a birth control pill that...

Implantation bleeding or period?

Implantation bleeding or period?

We've all heard about the possibility of having an implantation bleeding. When you have never had one, you might wonder what the differences are between an implantation bleeding and menstrual...

Fibroids and Infertility

Fibroids and Infertility

Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are a common cause of women's infertility. Both surgical and non-surgical treatments of uterine fibroids may greatly increase a woman's chances of being able...

Cramping with implantation bleeding

Cramping with implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding is a light spotting that occurs a week to ten days after ovulation. Around a third of pregnant women experience an implantation bleeding, and it is a sure...

How to Increase Fertility Naturally

How to Increase Fertility Naturally

The most important ways to increase fertility naturally don't cost anything - not even your time - and don't interfere with any treatments your physician may provide.Here are four of...