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Birth control after pregnancy

Birth control after pregnancy

Assuming that you do not want to get pregnant again immediately after giving birth, birth control is something you will have to think about. You will have a lot going...

How to choose a fertility clinic?

How to choose a fertility clinic?

Perhaps you already know what fertility treatment you need after undergoing testing with a different doctor, or perhaps you have been trying to get pregnant for a long time with...

Becoming an egg donor in Florida

Becoming an egg donor in Florida

Women who want to become egg donors in Florida will find a uniquely clear-cut and well-defined legal environment defining their compensation and rights. Florida law is very specific that egg...

Early pregnancy spotting after intercourse

Early pregnancy spotting after intercourse

During the first trimester of pregnancy, light bleeding or spotting is not all that uncommon. It is understandable that any bleeding causes great worry for any pregnant woman though, because...

Male fertility testing cost

Male fertility testing cost

Couples that have failed to conceive a baby after trying for longer than a year are often recommended to start fertility testing. It can be hard to know where to...

When to start fertility testing?

When to start fertility testing?

When we start on our journey of trying to get pregnant, we are bombarded with information telling us that we can't expect to conceive right away. We are told that...