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Does episiotomy cause incontinence in women?

Does episiotomy cause incontinence in women?

An episiotomy is an incision made in the perineal area, between the vagina and the rectum, during childbirth. This once routinely performed procedure is designed to widen the birth canal...

Get pregnant fast

Get pregnant fast

"Get pregnant fast" can be summed up as the goal of many women who have just started trying to conceive. There are, unfortunately, no guarantees that it will happen fast...

Ways to get pregnant without intercourse

Ways to get pregnant without intercourse

There are various reasons why women might be looking into ways to get pregnant without intercourse. They include being a single mother by choice, the woman not being able to...

Tips for getting pregnant

Tips for getting pregnant

Have you and your partner decided that the time is ripe to start trying to get pregnant, and to add a baby to your family? What are the best tips...

When to get pregnant

When to get pregnant

Many women want to know when to get pregnant in other words, which times during their menstrual cycle are most suitable days to have intercourse if they are hoping to...

When does a newborn's cord stump fall off?

When does a newborn's cord stump fall off?

Cord stumps are just a little intimidating for many parents. While you are carefully caring for your newborn's umbilical cord stump, you might well be wondering and perhaps worrying whether...

Benefits of using a menstrual cup

Benefits of using a menstrual cup

A what!? Yes, you read that right a menstrual cup! Who said that tampons or sanitary pads are your only option for that time of the month? Reusable menstrual cups...

Sore nipples while breastfeeding

Sore nipples while breastfeeding

Are you pregnant and preparing for breastfeeding? Or did you just give birth and have already started nursing? Whether you are worried about avoiding sore nipples while breastfeeding, or already...

Top tips for a healthy pregnancy

Top tips for a healthy pregnancy

Every pregnant woman wants to look after her health the best she can but what does that mean? Navigating through the journey that is pregnancy can be hard. It's easy...

Scared of needles but would like an epidural?

Scared of needles but would like an epidural?

There is no doubt that epidural anesthesia is the single most effective pain reliever during labor and birth. Are you among the women who would rather not experience pain that...