Some things that might make you feel better about having an epidural:
Women who have gone before you said that the local anesthetic applied before the main epidural injection actually hurt most. Some say they could feel the metal cannula moving into their spine. Others report feeling a certain amount of pressure. Most, however, say that they felt absolutely no pain during the insertion, which is what matters most. I've been scared of needles much of my life. Vaccines? Yikes! A trip to the dentist? Rather put it off. One major advantage of the epidural is that it's administered on your back. That means that you will not see the needle going in, and will only have a (hopefully nice) anesthesiologist explaining the process, and a few nurses reassuring you. One major fear women have is moving during the insertion of the epidural. Don't worry too much. It will not be inserted while you are having a contraction, but in between contractions. The anesthesiologist can see this on the electronic fetal monitor you will have. For some, learning more about epidural anesthesia through a childbirth education class or their OB will ease fears. Others don't like to know much about the procedure at all, because it will only frighten them more. Both approaches are fine, but planning ahead helps either way.Also read childbirth preparation watch birth videos on YouTube!
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/epidural/
- www.cdc.gov/injectionsafety/ip07_standardprecaution.html
- Photo courtesy of David, Bergin, Emmett and Elliott by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/beglen/4270913954/
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