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What causes ovarian cyst rupture?

What causes ovarian cyst rupture?

Ovarian cysts are a collection of fluid inside the ovaries, surrounded by a wall of tissue. They can hugely vary in size from a pea to an apple. Most ovarian...

"Stomach ache" turns out to be baby!

"Stomach ache" turns out to be baby!

You must have heard about cases where women who had no idea they were pregnant suddenly gave birth. This is exactly what happened to one 35 year-old mother of two...

When to get pregnant after miscarriage

When to get pregnant after miscarriage

Having a miscarriage is almost always a difficult and painful experience for women. And, with as many as 20 percent of all pregnancies ending in miscarriage, it is a common...

Vasectomy side effects

Vasectomy side effects

A vasectomy is a male surgical procedure that, if successful, permanently prevents the man from getting his partner pregnant. During the vasectomy procedure, the vas deferens the tubes that carry...

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Endometrial hyperplasia is the excessive or abnormal growth of tissues in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. This can lead to glandular enlargement and is often seen...

Will your second birth be quicker?

Will your second birth be quicker?

Are you currently pregnant with your second child and gearing up for a second round of labor and delivery? If you are, you'll no doubt be interested in knowing how...

Blood test for Down's Syndrome?

Blood test for Down's Syndrome?

Prenatal testing to determine whether a baby has birth defects are often invasive, and expectant parents have to weight the wish to know about their baby's health with the risks...

Essure vs Adiana

Essure vs Adiana

Essure and Adiana are both permanent birth control systems that use small inserts in the fallopian tubes to permanently make sure egg and sperm cannot meet each other. For many...