What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst?
Ovarian cysts often produce no symptoms at all, so the conclusion that no symptoms means no ovarian cyst can be the wrong one. If you do experience pain around your...
What is a water birth?
Water birth refers to the practice of giving birth immersed in water. Usually, this will take place in a specially designed birthing tub either at a hospital, at a birth...
Tips for getting pregnant fast
If you are reading this, the chances are that you came to us specifically looking for tips on how to get pregnant. It is completely natural that, when you and...
Pain in the left ovary
Are you experiencing pain around your left ovary, either cyclical or constant? Ovarian pain is always something to be taken seriously, and it is best to consult a doctor about...
What are the symptoms of endometriosis?
Endometriosis patients are subject to the tissue that usually grows only inside the uterus, to line it in order to prepare for pregnancy, also growing outside of the uterus. Most...
Is bloating an ovulation symptom?
Whether you are experiencing abdominal bloating every month and wondering whether it could in fact be a symptom of ovulation, or are just looking for ways to recognize ovulation, this...
Trying to get pregnant while studying
This post is prompted by a friend of mine, who recently faced some difficult decisions should she pursue her PhD as she had planned for years, try to conceive another...
Who can benefit from NovaSure?
Women who suffer from heavy and painful menstrual periods can feel like their life turns into hell for a week every month. And according to some estimates, as many as...
Chances of getting pregnant with one fallopian tube
Women who have one fallopian tube might have some concerns about their fertility and their chances of getting pregnant. It is logical to jump to the conclusion that having half...
Tips for men on how to get their partner pregnant
When it comes to trying to conceive, most of the advice on how to get pregnant sooner is directed at women tracking ovulation, eating better, taking prenatal supplements... and the...