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Esophageal cancer detection

Esophageal cancer detection

The esophagus is an organ of the gastrointestinal tract. It is located in the chest and is approximately 10 inches long. The food we consume is initially chewed in the...

Eye infections in adults

Eye infections in adults

One of the common eye infections affecting adults is epidemic/seasonal conjunctivitis. This inflammatory condition usually affects both eyes which become red, gritty and covered with sticky mucus discharge. The very...

Eczema cure in babies

Eczema cure in babies

It is not uncommon for children to end up suffering from itchy rashes at some time during their childhood. However, eczema is a certain skin condition that is not like...

Dry skin around eyes cure

Dry skin around eyes cure

Dry skin around the eyesEvery person is aware that the skin around the eyes is quite thin and sensitive and that is why it is more prone to various conditions...

Myopic eye disease

Myopic eye disease

Myopia or nearsightedness is a common vision problem, affecting almost 30% of worldwide population. For these people there is a problem when they have to read something located on certain...

Peripheral arterial disease guidelines

Peripheral arterial disease guidelines

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a medical condition that affects large arteries of the body except from the coronary arteries, aortic arch vasculature and arteries of the brain. The affected...

Anosmia - Inability to perceive odors

Anosmia - Inability to perceive odors

Even though passing by trashcans or some neglected public toilets makes us desire we never had our sense of smell developed, this capability of ours is incredibly important for us...

About chronic belching

About chronic belching

Belching refers to the expulsion of stomach gas through the mouth. As the gas escapes, it produces the characteristic belching sound. Swallowing air is the most common cause of belching...

Deafness caused by loud music

Deafness caused by loud music

Basically, hearing impairment is a condition where our hearing organ, our ear, is affected negatively by an injury, disorder or a disease. This damage may take place in various situations...

Esophageal cancer first symptoms

Esophageal cancer first symptoms

Each year in the United States around 16,000 new cases of esophageal cancer are reported. Only 10% of these individuals will actually survive and overcome the disease. This makes esophageal...