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Wisdom teeth recovery time

Wisdom teeth recovery time

Tooth extraction is something most people are afraid of, especially if wisdom teeth are involved. Recovery time needed after the wisdom teeth removal is also a concern for many people...

Ketones in urine

Ketones in urine

Ketones are by-products of fat metabolism. They are normally not found in urine, so their presence points to some metabolic imbalances. For instance, one may have ketones in urine if...

Risk factors for coronary heart disease

Risk factors for coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is a condition spread throughout the world predominantly affecting adults and elderly individuals. It develops as a consequence of plaque build-up inside the heart arteries (the process...

Deafness by noise symptoms

Deafness by noise symptoms

This modern world of ours has certainly turned into a noisy place. Namely, today, we have noise everywhere. From car alarms and cars themselves filling the streets with different sounds...

Endocrine therapy for breast cancer

Endocrine therapy for breast cancer

Breast cancer is a very complex and difficult disease, taking numerous lives each year. For the purpose of classifying this illness, we can divide it into two main types. The...

Esophageal cancer barium test

Esophageal cancer barium test

People who seem to be suffering from esophageal cancer must undergo certain tests and exams which will confirm or rule out the disease. Most of them turn to their doctors...

Eczema cure on hands

Eczema cure on hands

Hand eczema is a skin condition affecting only hands although it may also spread to the rest of arms or even other parts of the body. Eczema affecting only the...

Dry skin on men's face

Dry skin on men's face

Dry skin on faceThere are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from dry skin and for almost all people it is quite troublesome. If a person...

Eye disease myths

Eye disease myths

There are many myths related to eye diseases. However, it is important to know which stories are true and which are purely acts of fiction, in order to stay healthy...

Leading causes of smell and taste dysfunction

Leading causes of smell and taste dysfunction

Smell and taste disorders are rather challenging when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. The explanation is simple. Scientist still have not managed to understand in detail how these two...