Deafness caused by noise
Noise-induced hearing loss is a medical condition that develops due to exposure to loud noise and sounds originating from our environment. This problem predominantly affects people who are prone to...

Endocrine benign tumors
An endocrine gland is a specially structured formation made of cells that synthesize specific hormones. Once synthesized, the hormone leaves the gland and is released into the blood. Eventually, it...

Esophageal cancer - Barrett's esophageal
Barrett's esophagus is a medical condition affecting the lining of the esophagus. The condition is considered precancerous, meaning that it can easily progress further into esophageal cancer. Why do Barrett's...

Blood vessel burst in eye
Rupture of eye capillaries and small blood vessels of the eye are considered a common scenario. This medical issue is sometimes quite benign although ruptured blood vessels in the eye...

Dry skin on baby's face
Skin Rashes in NewbornsBaby's skin rashes are very common. Infant’s skin is very sensitive, and it usually reacts to various environmental factors. Even though most of the parents keep their...

Most common eye disease in adults
The process of aging is known to cause many problems for people, including some eye related conditions. Even though some of these eye disorders can affect anybody regardless his or...

Link between lung cancer and high concentrations of radon
Occurrence of RadonRadon is a radioactive noble gas which does not have anytaste, odor or color and it occurs in its natural form as the decay product ofradium. When it...

Problems related to recurrent urinary tract infections
Overview of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)Recurrent urinary tract infection does not have a concrete definition, but rather a tentative one which postulates that any individual who experiences urinary tract problems...

Disorder of herniated disc: Physical therapy as treatment
Between every two bones in the spine there is a certain disc that keeps these bones from coming in contact with one another. The discs are spongy and due to...

Look great and feel great with color contact lenses
Recently, color contact lenses have become widely available and a basic part of cosmetics of many people. Namely, just as we use clothing and accessories to add on to our...