Connection between B vitamins and cancer prevention
There is almost not a person in the world that does not know or has not heard of vitamin B complex. These vitamins are very important for a lot of...

Treatment for urinary tract obstructions
What Is Urinary Tract Obstruction?Urinary obstruction may occur in any part of the urinarytract, but there are still certain points and organs which are more susceptibleto obstructions than others. There...

Acute pancreatitis diet
There are a lot of people all over the world who suffer from acute pancreatitis. These people need to know that it is important for them to follow a particular...

About chronic bedwetting
Bedwetting (enuresis) generally declines as a child ages, however, three per cent of fourteen year olds were found to regular succumb to bedwetting. In rare cases, bedwetting can continue into...

What are deafness cures
The cause of hearing loss will determine the treatment advised by your doctor. Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damaged hair cells in the part of the ear known as...

Esophageal cancer age
Esophageal cancer (also shortened to EC) is a serious form of esophageal malignancy, often lethal for the patient. First recorded cases of EC go back to the beginning of the...

Care for your contact lenses!
Contact lenses are much better than wearing glasses since these are practically invisible, offering the same vision correction effects. However, in order to benefit from contact lenses to the fullest...

How to stop fever blister outbreaks
Cold sores or fever blisters, as this problem is also well known, are actually skin lesions associated with a viral infections. The virus responsible for this problem is called Herpes...

Diagnosis and staging of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD / CRPS)
The reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome is commonlyabbreviated as the RSD and it is actually a multi symptoms medical conditionwhich may affect any body part and it may also affect multiple...

Iodine allergy facts
Iodine allergy is not so common type of allergy. People suffering from iodine allergy are allergic to iodine applied in a form of certain solutions and contract dyes. They, however...